
There is a great supplemental disk on the 'Godfather' box set that came out a while back.  Lot's of details on filming and production along with old screen tests with a ton of famous people reading for various parts.  It really makes you think about how certain actors are imbedded to each character.

I couldn't disagree more.  The only knock I can give it is that, as the article noted, the photography is way too underlit and muddy.  Even on Blu-ray some of the scenes are barely visible.  The studio was right; it's too dark.

I love the fact that "it's too long and strains too hard to be an Ambitious Work of Art."  The movie is about insanity and it's one of the strangest, haunting things I've seen.  I agree that ego and artistic indulgence can ruin films (and just to swipe the low hanging fruit, see George Lucas) but in this case

'Hearts of Darkness' was fantastic but come on, 'Apocalypse Now' (the non-director's cut) was one of the best films America has ever produced. 

Love that the Summer Glau commenter is back.

A lot of comments on these threads are about her looks (and to be fair, her talent and intelligence, too) but that picture up there literally stops me when I click on the article.  She is absolutely stunning.

@T-bone wins for today.  He gets to tend the rabbits.

the secret ingredient is 'phone'.

That's one of the single dumbest questions/pieces of dialogue I've ever heard.

'Contagion' bored the living shit out of me.  I probably have to watch it again but for a Soderbergh movie, it was absurdly underwhelming.  I like that you use the term 'filmed Naturalism' (although I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that) but I still think it was a half effort.  As much as I love Soderbergh, he

His "eye for color" pretty much single handedly brought about the dingy, blue/green digital mess that most films are based upon now.  He does have a great sense of filmmaking (watch 'Solaris') but he did usher in the use of what lesser directors would co-opt as poor aestheticts.

There is no 'anti-Dawes'.  That's like saying matter can be destroyed.  Newton will not allow it.

It's almost as if you've won the 10 trillion dollar lottery. 

I'm not sure exactly why but when I first saw this article, I thought it was about the movie 'Baghead'.  It deserves an NCC entry.

He's had a good run with 'Equus' and 'How to Succeed in Business'.  I've never seen any of the Harry Potter films but he has a theater background and seems well regarded.  Plus, he's young, has a ton of money and comes off as a pretty nice person.  I thik he might have a different breakout role coming up soon.

I believe the proper term is 'wench'.

That movie was brutal.  I cannot fathom that someone actually filmed that.

Now that I think of it, you might be right.  I'm not even sure if they're having one this year.

Every year I say to myself 'I'm going to All Points West'.  And yet every year I don't go to All Points West.

The new version of 'Rambo' was amazing if nothing simply for being one of the most violent films I've ever seen.  The death toll is astounding.