Yeah, I really liked that movie. It sort of gets shit on but I think it has sort of a cult status. I like just about anything Ribisi does. He's one of a few actors that always get my attention, no matter what film he may be in.
Yeah, I really liked that movie. It sort of gets shit on but I think it has sort of a cult status. I like just about anything Ribisi does. He's one of a few actors that always get my attention, no matter what film he may be in.
But in a more correct sense, haven't we ALL been to Duluth?
Yes, please to be having a link to that video. Thank you.
The only thing that would make it worth while is if she woke up in a bathtub filled with ice with a hole in her side and a note that read "you have 30 minutes to get to a hospital".
Nothing and no one is 'good' about Southland Tales. That movie is terrible.
The first season of Project Runway was one of the best examples of 'good' reality television. It was one of the few programs I was ever really addicted to. The third season was good, too but after that, I have no idea what happened.
I still have yet to get through one of these things.
I remember watching brain surgery on an infant. They essentially peeled his forehead and scalp back and held it with clamps while they drilled. The face was almost completely covered with a flap of skin. It was. . . disturbing.
I used to never think so, but from some of the recent pictures I've seen J Woww is actually pretty attractive.
As a tree fetishist, I spend Arbor day masturbating like crazy.
Has anyone seen Uncle Joe?
I've seen it and while disturbing, 'Hostel' made me feel worse. At least 'Martyrs' had some point and theory. 'Hostel' was just dread.
Ah, yes. 'Duck til Dawn'. The highly touted yet very rare direct-to-microfiche sequel to 'Howard the Duck'.
The first one disturbed the fuck out of me. I have a high tollerance for gore but the girl getting her eye burned out with a blowtorch was more than I could stand. I hate to admit it but that film made me feel like shit.
Holy shit, you really removed that comment? Honestly, how did you come up with that decision based on not only the article ( along with the tone of both the writing and the comments that followed) and deem mine inappropriate?
You fucking lied to me. I told you my fears and desires and yet you betrayed my secret, loving, pure, not-gay-at-all ass fantasies. I feel so. . . so DIRTY.
My god, that is just an awful, awful, awful, awful song. Completely unlistenable.
Tell me you've been working on that for a while now, Occam's Blazer. That was pretty brilliant.
I got a bone to pick with Capitalism. And a few to break. . .
Agreed. It still sounds remarkably ahead of its time. I listend to it last night after hearing the news they were getting back together and just fucking owns. Just a flat out perfect masterpiece.