Ha! I just posted the same thing.
Ha! I just posted the same thing.
But. . . Refused. REFUSED!
The fact that Refused has gotten back together is proof that Dawes is magical and beautiful and wonderful and angelic and beatific and has the power to heal this broken, crazy, silly little universe.
Dj Shadow and Radiohead are enough to get my notice, let alone Refused. With that much music over that long a period of time, there has to be tons of great stuff.
No shit. I'd buy a three day pass just to see 'Shape of Punk to Come' performed in its entirety.
If we're talking Darabont, this has to be included. One of the best threads ever:
Well played. Very well played.
I felt raped after I was raped in a Taco Bell bathroom.
I think I might be the only hetero-sexual man in America that doesn't find Christina Hendricks attractive. I've never had a thing for red heads (I'm a self-hating Ginger). Olivia Wilde is sort of funny looking but I'd take her in that black leather suit and short hair in 'Tron' over Hendricks any day.
You should change your profile picture back to Go-Go Yubari.
Damnit! I can't wait for March. I want this album now.
Ahh. . . Brenda Song. Good Lord, she is lovely. She makes my knees weak.
Rooney Mara is creeping me out. She was cute and sweet in 'Social Network' but Fincher made her a freak for this film.
I saw O'Neal wandering around outside Lenox Hill hospital. He was muttering something about bullet proof glass and Beyonce's bed. He kept making this strange honking noise. I hope they don't put him in Bellevue. They should never have fired O'Neal. Poor, poor fired, crazy O'Neal.
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez came close to madness trying to emulate Dawes. That's why the band broke up. He was consumed by it. That was his dream; his nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of Laurel Canyon… and surviving.
Exactly. As separate parts, they aren't very good but joined together AtDI kick some ass.
Completely agreed. Having actual physical pages to turn is great, even just holding the book in your hands, feeling its shape and weight. Same goes for newspapers. There's nothing better than holding a paper and flipping it over, folding it and reading.
No, I agree. It has wonderful moments (the sweeping dolly shot in the woods is brilliant) but it has yet to grow on me like other Coen films.
Yeah, I love his short stories/novellas, too. 'The Long Walk' and 'Rage' are great. As far as novels are concerned, I suppose the first book of The Dark Tower series is my favorite.