From what I understand, it's actually a series of books about a family of steampunk, Nobel winning dinosaurs with tourettes that travel into the future to solve crimes. Or something.
From what I understand, it's actually a series of books about a family of steampunk, Nobel winning dinosaurs with tourettes that travel into the future to solve crimes. Or something.
What are you supposed to be, some kind of a cosmonaut?
Ahhh, Jesse Camp. Quick Wiki look up finds this gem:
Man I wish 'Generation Kill' got more love around here. Might be my favorite (mini) tv series ever.
Merkins, not wigs. Merkins.
@avclub-178874fad561e353c21ccdafe08915ca:disqus Hit the @ button and start typing the name of the commenter you want to reply to. Hit enter and it should pop up in your reply box.
Although you have to admit that her cock is a bit of a deal breaker. For me at least.
ADDENDUM: You know what the fuck I watched? A hell of a lot of those stupid commercials with Robert Wagner selling reverse mortgages. I don't even know what the fuck a reverse mortgage even is but there's no way in hell I'm buying ANYTHING from Robert Wagner.
@avclub-955d864a62659945cc9434898e275deb:disqus Whoa. Are you serious about the 10,000 marbles thing? From what I understand, it was just something random he thought up. I'm not sure how I feel about this.
That's bullshit @avclub-178874fad561e353c21ccdafe08915ca:disqus and you know it. They single handedly won you a Super Bowl. Greatest Show on Turf? More like Greatest Show on Dawes.
I hear that David Wain is brilliant.
I watched some of the Twilight Zone marathon and that's about it.
That film is damn near perfect. I'm still devastated when Muley Graves squats down with a handful of dust, harsh shadow cast across as he gives his speech:
My friend drove a Chevette in high school. I think his sound system was actually bigger than the car itself.
From now on I'm pronouncing it 'Key Ha'.
I sort of half-ass worked during the week. Actually went out with friends for New Year's for the first time in ages and had a blast. Unfortunately, I spent the next day with a serious stomach problem that made me feel like I had the plague. My voice is still shot from throwing up so much.
Sorry to hear that. I've been in the same position many a time. Would either you or @avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus be in the retail profession by chance?
That is a damn great tradition. I still have the 4th of July marathon dvr'd from 3 years ago. I now know what my Sunday will consist of although my homemade pizza sort of sucks. I'm a good cook but getting the dough the right consistancy and the oven the perfect temperature is still a problem for me. Maybe I'll…
The only thing I have is newspaper wrapped around my feet. Will you still let me in?