
I think 'Remember My Name' is my favorite track but I also like 'Ship of Fools'.  That one kicks ass when they play it live.  Have fun at work.

Great story.  Can I ask what city/town you were in?

Red Bank's a pretty cool place.  Asbury Park is better, though.

That's the best thing I've read in a while.  Congratulations, man.  I wish you two all the best.

@avclub-230a11d4f53fa5ecb16c69d668eb8456:disqus I completely agree with you.  I don't run but I work out a the gym 5 days a week.  The best part of my day is about 30 to 40 minutes into my routine where I've forgotten about all the things I've been worring about and actaully feel good about myself for a few minutes. 

I think that's the whole draw:  the notion of brand consciousness has sort of blurred.  It's now fashionable to buy at Big Box stores and the such.  Plus, it's not like buying a knock-off from Chinatown or something.  I never really understood fake brand products.  If you really want a Coach bag just save up for it

He lives in Connecticut and I want to just drive around the state and see if I can find where he lives.  I don't say this often but I just want to shake that man's hand, maybe give him a nice big hug.

I got a bottle of Laphroaig, too.  And I too, will be enjoying reading and drinking this very evening.

Took you a while to show up.  We were starting to get worried about you. 

That's a wonderful idea and something that I never actually thought about.  And I wholly agree that every one should know the basics for both sewing and cooking.  I'm good with the latter but terrible on the former.  I think you might have given me my first New Year's resolution.

Oh, I have no delusions that even high end brands are essentially shit with an exponentially marked up retail price.  I used to work in retail and it's absurd what the cost-to-profit ratio is.  There are all sorts of hidden costs and middle men but there's a reason Gap pays workers $2 a day in some horrid sweatshop in

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I'm beginning to wonder if SSRIs don't work with me, either.  I'm going to stick with Celexa for a few more months to see if it works out.  I've heard good things about Wellbutrin but right now the only thing that keeps me functioning is low doses of Xanax every day.

Ok, I just did what HipsterDBag did and looked at your profile.  You should have left that comment.  It was good but I don't know if those outside the Long Island/tri-state area would get it.

Tommy Tang is an absolute gem.

See, I think on the right person those crazy, psychedelic patterns are really cool.  Admittedly, 'the right person' tends to be rail-thin runway models.

My two favorite segments were the Chinese nuclear sub and the Space Station.  Those were really, really good.

That might be the absolute greatest description of the woman that I've ever heard.  The fact that you threw in Jo-Ann Fabrics was just perfect.

Best of luck.  I started on Celexa a few months back and haven't felt much of a change.

'David Comes to Life' and 'The Chemistry of Common Life'.  Both are great.  Check out 'Hidden World' and the zodiac eps if you get the chance.  Let me know how you like the stuff.

The best cooking shows are on PBS.  Jacques Pepin, Ming Tsai and America's Test Kitchen.  Food Network used to be great back in the day when all the shows had no production value and they actually cooked something instead of hosting some ridiculous reality competition.