A Pile of Hamburger Trash

Oh, man. I forgot about that wiped that from my memory.

I remember checking the review here the day after that episode, fully expecting everyone to be in shock at how terrible that was, but no one seemed to have a problem with it.

Thanks for clarifying the questions. I hated to rattle off a bunch of simple questions, but the whole sequence had me confused. Good points too on NIkki's situation. I hope the whole thing ends up making sense.

Season 2 was otherwise perfect. I just really strongly disliked that scene in the motel parking lot.

Fuck the aliens from Season 2.

I'm having a hard time understanding wtf Yuri/Varga is up to stopping the prison bus, or how it was even possible. Why would they get Nikki picked up and arrested only to fail to murder her in jail (assuming that assassin was Varga's), and then hijack a prison bus—which leads me wonder what they were planning to do if

Yep. I'm not sure why the character warranted three paragraphs of this review.


Of course.

I'm with you on Audioslave's first record. Rock 'n roll.

Being a teen in the '90s in the rural south, I was mostly spared from having to work within this Hierarchy of Cool. I started listening to "rock"—everything that encompasses—when I was in junior high without any distinction of legitimacy. I listened to NIN and Better than Ezra. Alice in Chains and Seven Mary Three.

I didn't remember him being referenced in BB. I mean, I don't want him to die, but based on what he's into and about to be into, plus me not remembering the reference, all signs point to dead. I hope I'm wrong. There are certainly more interesting narrative choices than him getting a bullet in the head.

Of course. That's why I qualified it with "who knows about…" because we don't know. At this point the only one I'm convinced won't make it out of Better Call Saul is Nacho.

Twenty-one. I watched it on HBO Go about a month after it aired, but I think I still count. It was great. Any specific praise I heap on it would just sound hyperbolic. I loved it.

Not to my knowledge. I can't decide if it would be right for him to end up dead or not, but I've got a bad feeling that Nacho won't make it out of this series alive.

…with a financial interest in their survival.

While watching this I realized that Gus, poetically, launders his money through a restaurant and cooks his meth at a laundry.

Great character. And this is maybe a weird thing to say, but pertinent for an actor—the guy's got an interesting face. His presence commands attention, but unlike the other henchmen, there seems to be a real person under the swagger.

I thought the same thing. Except "Saul," (and who knows about Kim, Chuck, Nacho, etc.), all of these people are dead by the end of BB: Gus, Mike, Lydia, Hector, Victor, Tyrus, Krazy 8, and probably more that I'm forgetting.

You're right. I was thinking she might be playing Ray with regard to the Emmett scheme, but wasn't thinking about her sincere love for bridge.