A Pile of Hamburger Trash

I think Maybe Nikki's playing the long game. As Ray himself pointed out, a girl like that with him?

I freakin loved his character on that show. It would have been so easy to make him a dick, but the fact that he was a genuinely decent guy made McBride's perpetual hate for him that much funnier.

He's typically a lot scruffier.

Varga may "eat" Ray by accident, assuming him to be Emmett.

Well, I mean that she has a thing. I happen to like what she does and think her style perfectly suits David Lynch's style, but I can see where someone wouldn't like it.

"Extreme David Lynch" could just mean a by-the-numbers romantic comedy.

Dern is, to me, one of those actors who are always a version of "themselves," and you either like that or you don't. I'm always aware that I'm watching Laura Dern, and that's totally fine.

Amen. I never watch "next week on…" for any of the shows I keep up with. Even if they're not direct spoilers, they might feint in a direction that gets you anticipating something that doesn't happen (case in point, Wack'd's comment above), and what's the point of burning that mental energy?

No offense intended at all, but I just do not comprehend anyone calling any episode of BB a snoozefest. I have talked to more than a few people who didn't make it past the first three episodes because it was "boring." And I'm like IT OPENS ON A PANTSLESS GUY IN A GAS MASK HAULING ASS IN A WINNEBAGO AND THE SECOND

This show perpetually teeters on the edge between greatness and suck. Season 1 was nothing for me but an exercise in nihilism. I realized after sitting through the whole thing how little I liked it, having been blinded by the great performances. There were too many narrative dead ends, and a lazy dependence on the

Timeline question (and BB spoiler): At this point in the show, has Don Eladio killed Fring's partner? I was under the impression that that happened years before, when Fring first went to work for him, but the review seems to imply that it hasn't happened yet.

I love the first two albums. I think they're brilliant on a few levels. However, I'm worried about this one. The songs I've heard seem to be too on the nose, really forcing the POV on us where as most of his previous work, and especially I Love You, Honeybear, seemed to be as interested in crafting a beautiful track

The most unbelievable thing about the show is that these assholes let Rick continue to live and lead them into perilous situations again and again, getting half of everybody killed. Why Rick wasn't tied to a fence post and left for dead by the middle of Season 3 is the show's central mystery.

…next season on The O.A.

You could watch this episodes as a stand-alone and not be missing anything.

I feel like Tangled gets short shrift. It's way more fun to watch than Frozen, for sure.

No, this is different because they keep living the same night over and over until they get it right, and because one of them learns that she has superpowers. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're women.

I may be wrong, but I think I remember hearing the word on Taboo as well. So…I don't know if my point is that there is a problem here or that people should chill out. I will admit to being a little shocked in the moment, though.

What was so stupid about that (aside from everything stupid about TWD in general) was that at the beginning of that episode we see a human man get his face eaten off, in graphic detail, by zombies. But the f word would just be more than we could handle.

I don't understand why this motherfucker still has a career.