A Pile of Hamburger Trash

Lemme guess. You're roughly 14.

Nah. Half of the appeal of Ryan Adams is the lack of a filter.

Alternative fact: His teachers kept killing themselves because they despaired over the realization that they could never be as smart as their pupil, who was way, way smarter than them at words. So much smarter. It really was impressive.

This was my "one more episode," and by the end of it I felt basically nothing, and have decided I likely won't keep watching. I was genuinely surprised by the positivity of this review. Cranston is without question a great actor, but this material is beneath him. The monologue was cliche, and a little hammy. His


And why bother picking on a kid when we have Hayden Christensen to hate?

The only thing worse than a sequel is a sequel to a good movie—not that Soldado will be a sequel to Sicario, because it's not. It's totally not. It's kind of like it, yes, but at the same time, like, totally not. Do you get what I'm saying? I'm saying, it's similar to what you typically think of as a sequel, except

Fuckin' Todd.

He's willing for $2 million. Might be worth it.

I'm so on the fence about this. My affinity for Netflix comedies, Timothy Olyphant, and Drew Barrymore is just about outweighed by how tired I am of fucking zombies and their "clever" (see also: twee) deconstructions.

Can we please get this as a cover blurb?

I know you're joking, but I would say anyone who thinks CK hates his kids based on his stand up doesn't have kids, and in fact may never have spent any real time around children. I have three daughters, and so much of the kid-related stuff from Louie felt like it was lifted right out of my life.

The trailer also gets points for the phrase, "paranormal shitstorm."

I was bummed when the end of the year passed without new seasons of Master of None and F is for Family.

Superheroes, gods, zombies, and comedians? No thanks.

Four, plus a couple……

Some of the reviewers around here are getting lazy. The words "whether that pays off is anyone’s guess," have no place in a review of the first three episodes of anything. I'm honestly not sure what they were expecting, but I thought it was damn good.

In a world where everyone goes to their phones for a clarifying interview with writer/director/author/creator before the opening credits come up, we need more David Lynches. Also, the "I love Laura Dern," quote is hilarious. It's as newly informative as him saying, "I've made some movies," or "I have interesting hair."

My take on Kylo Ren is that he never was a credible threat. He's a petulant, whiny, wannabe who's managed to scare a bunch of people into thinking he's more powerful than he is. He's scared shitless of Rey from the moment he realizes she has some power.

I already did. I hate those two things equally.