A Pile of Hamburger Trash

Maybe it's been discussed, but I've been wondering about the significance of Felix's and Sylvester's names—both cats. Would that make Maeve the mouse? There's been no indication that they're playing her.

Is this a new feature? "Answers to Questions No One Asked."

Mee to.

Maybe. That dead dog had bled some blood, though.


To add to your first grey-barred point:

I read their behavior as either 1) They're robots, too, or 2) A look into how emotionally manipulative a robot/android could be. It's another angle on the fundamental question of the show. They know she's not real, and yet they have real emotional reactions to her ranging from empathy to fear. At this point, to leave

I read the title as "Trump LOL."

I never tire of this meme, and this is my favorite one yet.

I was vaguely aware of Sherlock, but uninterested in it. I honestly didn't realize until recently how big of a hit it is/was. Regarding his looks, I think "unconventional" is an apt description.

Actually, yes, it's funny, but funny-ridiculous not funny-cute.

This may not be the right place, but can anyone explain Benedict Cumberbatch to me? I feel like everyone saw something really funny happen at recess, but I missed it because I was stuck in the bathroom, and then they're laughing about it for the rest of the year and I just have to smile and act like I get it.

"[…] the bit had a racial subtext in ways that no one who worked on the
episode apparently understood or cared to address, and the result is
something tasteless and needlessly distracting."

There are, a few misplaced commas, as well. as sentences liked this: "I think the first season of Dexter is one where the same type of reveal was used to greater effect because the reveal wrapped up a major plot during the first season." which begs the question as to why think when I'm sure wikipedia konws. Just looke

Ah. Thanks.

I need clarity on something: In the first episode, I seem to remember Stubbs making a comment about how he'd set up the shoot out and safe heist (with Snake Girl's gang) as a distraction/reason to go in and decommission some hosts who were acting up. But according to this episode, that appears to be a recurring story

Ah. Well. It's an oldie of Johnson's. I'd never heard it before The Rock started throwing it around.

How exactly would Vin Diesel's being gay make Johnson more of an asshole?

I'm going to go ahead an comment because I clicked on this article thinking it was about the show while being confused by the "picture." It's 8am. Anyway: fuck this show forever.

Fine. Fuck it—I was out of my depth commenting on cinematography, but that doesn't make the storytelling any better. I love difficult films (and novels), but the right to be difficult doesn't grant a license for incoherence. I won't believe anyone who says they knew what the hell was going on in that movie after one