A Pile of Hamburger Trash

But it's just so much easier to do that then to try and understand what the show might be saying.

…and the laundry list of nifty coincidences, chance meetings, and Deus ex machina. I liked Fargo well enough, but I loved True Detective. This is not objectively measurable, but I think Sonia hit it on the head with, "It’s not that I found Fargo bad, though I consistently found it lacking in a certain magic." That

I may be way out on my very own limb here, but while I enjoyed the show, I don't understand all this praise for the "intricate," and "deliberate" structure. Somewhere in episodes 2-4 I started getting weary of how heavily the plot relied on chance and coincidence. It felt as if Bemidji consisted of one road in, one

You lost 20 upvotes………..

Yes! Forgot all about that. Thanks.

I mentally prepared myself to see Gus ass-up in a wood chipper.

I sensed a bittersweet tone in Molly's voice in that final scene on the couch. She was happy it was over, but still wished she'd been the one to finish it.

I had no problem with Gus taking out Malvo; actually thought it made a lot of sense. My problem was how they got him there. He just happens to be driving by this random cabin when a metaphor literally walks into his path? And Gus was not privy to the tip about the red Mercedes, so how would he have had any idea that

When I'm stupid (or bored) enough to get snagged by one of those, I always end up feeling like Ralphie after decoding "BE SURE TO DRINK YOUR OVALTINE."

What bothers me most about Khaleesi is not the name, but the nagging suspicion that the parents don't realize "Khaleesi" is not the character's name but her title.

I was prepared to campaign for that name for our daughter until I found out she's a witch or some shit.

It either punctures it or makes it more surreal. I can't decide which.

[comment deleted]

Unless the vibe is him. Then he fellates the vibe and forces everyone else to watch.

It threw me way off too. And the fact that their conversation was a reversal of their actual conversation on WTF was a little too real for my taste. It was too real to even be considered meta. Usually when there is a seemingly "off" scene on Louie, you can at least understand the justification for it, but this didn't

Amen and amen. These damned spads ("spam-ads," a term I just coined so go ahead and copyright that shit) are the digital equivalent of Pamela: "Hey, come check out our amazing website. Thank you for visiting. Fuck you, go watch this video game trailer you nerd jerk-off. Oh, come on. I'm just teasing. Seriously. Come

"You know why my show is good? Because the network officials say you're not smart enough to get what I'm doing, and every day I fight for you. I tell them how smart you are. Turns out, I was wrong. You people are stupid." —Dave Chapelle


I appreciate your feedback.

That's a neat opinion.