A Pile of Hamburger Trash

Yes I watch or have watched some of these shows. I'm not comfortable with the idea of gun manufacturers running ads during prime time, but my point is that these types of shows do more to sell guns than any thirty-second spot (that will only be fast-forwarded through) ever could. To say you would have to avoid FX

Hmm. I missed the Justified trailer.

"I think John Greene has that sense of humor, too."

The book was well-written and enjoyable to read, but the fault in its premise was the abundance of loquacious, articulate teenagers. Teenagers do talk a lot, but the vast majority are inarticulate and the shit they say either doesn't make sense or doesn't matter to anyone but themselves. But in fairness to Green, this

"Lester kills Malvo, destroys the corpse."

Been wondering about that for a friggin' week and haven't seen anyone else mention it.

This episode played as if nothing that had happened with Stavros even mattered to the story. The only way for the show to make it matter is if Chumph's death is further investigated. Even then, it won't much affect Molly and Gus's case. I hope I'm proven wrong, and that whole storyline doesn't go to waste.

While his behavior does stretch believability, I think the whole thing with Malvo is that he just does stuff. He doesn't wait on permission or better circumstances. He is able to get away with it because it's so forward and unexpected no one knows how to respond to it (see Gus) if they're even given the chance (see

I honestly don't know. I hope he decides to make movies. On his own. Studios be damned.

If a person's primary criticism of this show is that it isn't funny, I have to assume that either 1) They've never seen a minute of Louis CK's standup, and have no sense of his sense/style of humor, or 2) They haven't seen much of the show. Either way, the result is the same: I don't take them seriously and their

His standup is generally pretty great (I'm qualifying it because I haven't heard recent material, mostly stuff from 5-10 years back). Very dry, very dependent on his delivery, but very funny.

I was reading these comments trying to decide on my favorite, and then I see Never's name. It's the winner for me.

I love Louie very much, and don't want it to end. However, I am already excited about whatever films he makes after he's done with the show.

I watched the first season over the weekend and am hooked. Nice to see something that different on TV. I'll be there when Season 2 starts.

These comments, and a quick Google search > Netflix search have convinced me to watch yet another show. So…thanks?

I have to somewhat agree about Fargo. I really enjoy watching it. I think the acting is top-notch, visuals are great, and this week's episode was one of the better episodes of TV I've seen. My gripe with it is that I feel even 10 episodes is a bit too much. What they've done in six, they could have easily done in 4.

I can see it in the northeast, I guess. I'm from the south. We really put the "aw" in "dawn," and say "Don" pretty much like everybody else.

I realize I'm getting hung up on the tidbits, but in what language is "dawn" a homophone for the name "Don?"

I'll do it for you, then. What makes me hate them so much is not that they're a terrible band (they definitely are), but that they're a terrible band that a lot of people fall all over themselves about. People love this shit and actually think they feel feelings when they listen to it. I feel sorry for those people.

Coldplay: A pile of elephant shit.
Coldplay: Fucking sucks.
Coldplay: A physical manifestation of Chris Martin's engorged ego.
Coldplay: Music for assholes.
Coldplay: A band I cannot speak of without cursing fucking profusely.
Coldplay: Pop music's never-ending shit.