A Pile of Hamburger Trash

Radiohead for people who can't get into Radiohead.

As the father of three girls, I'll testify that this show gets parentfatherhood right in a way no other show or film I've seen has. The tension of affirming and correcting, and all the off-the-wall things kids do. Jane's list of "real" questions was textbook.

From what I've heard (got a sister who dated a vampire for a while), vampires have a hard time emoting (pretty sure that was the cause of my sister's breakup). Also, something about the vampirizing (right word?) process makes them feel like they have to take a shit like all the time, which can make their face look

I liked the cameo by the Ghost of Ed Burns on Louie this week. He was on screen for exactly as long as it took me to say, "Oh. That's…Ed Bur—"

Not trying to be a smartass…I really had forgotten completely about TNT's existence.

Wait…Canadian astronaut?

I skipped the whole second half of the review and went straight for the Stray Observations. This back and forth tomfoolery is too close to Slate's approach for me to take it seriously.

You didn't catch that thing the Internet put out, obviously. "In awhile," now means "never."

So…I can't dig through all of the 1,246 comments to see for myself, but did anyone else catch the unbleeped F-word? It didn't register at first, but then I realized what I was watching. I have no qualms about it, just curious if this is a new thing at FX?

The overweight person needs to own the blame if over-eating is the issue. I've known overweight people who eat very little. I also know a grown man who's 6'2" and 140 pounds and can't gain weight no matter what he eats. At any rate, stuff like smoker-shaming is shitty behavior that I can't believe is socially

Her "monologue" on SNL (two hosting gigs back), where the entire thing consisted of her attempting to stand up and get through said monologue on too-high heels, was one of the funniest pieces of physical comedy I've ever seen. It had nothing to do with her size at all, it was just very well played.

I'm going to watch the news later, and there will be stories of mass kidnappings, machete slaughters, and suicide bombers, but this will remain the most disturbing thing I'll see all day. Seriously, though, there has to be some mental illness at play here, even if it's just an inability to imagine that there will be a

We all got such a kick out of LOUDLY SINGING, "…buried in MY SHIT."

It's a badass song. Thanks to this article, I'm listening to some AIC at work this morning, and "Again" just played.

I'm a fan of the selt-titled record too. And it may be my favorite. But that's mostly because it was the first Alice in Chains album I really got into. I worked my way back from there.

Not to nitpick, but Vs. was released October '93. Vitalogy was released November '94.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds those tracks, particularly "Sickman" and "Godsmack," disturbing. That delayed, off-rhythm grunt in "Sickman" just sort of crawls my spine. And "Godsmack" is maybe one of my favorite vocals of all time for its sheer weirdness.

What can you say about Coldplay?

Cat's Cradle is easily and by far my favorite, and Slaughterhouse 5 is pretty far down on the list.

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