A Pile of Hamburger Trash

No harm, no foul. I myself have over-thought many a comma (and now possibly at least one hyphen) into existence.

"'"I think something just came between me and my Calvin’s.”'"

I'm generally not a fan of spinoffs, but I would watch a Tim Gutterson show. Happily.

Yep. I suggested prison last week, but now I'm leaning more toward this.

Comment moved.

Very good point.

I wonder if it's possible that this season's events leading into next season will end up with Raylan in prison.

This is what I love about the show, and have always loved about Elmore Leonard in general—we were actually upset that a murdering, drug-running, ex(?)-neo nazi looked like he was about to cheat on his murdering, drug-running fiance. They're very good at making the bad guys endearing.

Total classic. I love how the first thing he does with this $300K is buy a whorehouse and a big-ass inflatable pool.

I'm so used to New York Rapaport that I had a hard time with Southern Rapaport…at first. But then I heard something that made it work for me. I'm from the Deep South, and there are a lot of guys like Darryl Crowe—white, poor, rural, sometimes criminally involved—whose accent is mix of rural southern white ("country"),

"The crowd was, sadly, unusually quiet sucked chili farts through a broken straw. Very common for episodes featuring a musical act marketing tool like One Direction, whose fans victims might not be as interested in the whole SNL experience intelligent enough to even understand a proper dick joke."

The difference is, those comedians are funny. They're funny because they tell jokes. Just saying nasty shit isn't inherently funny.

I lean pretty Libertarian, and still love their music. I read somewhere that "rage against the machine" translates into Chinese as (roughly), "bad ass motherfucker."

Ah yeah, that was it.

I may have completely made this up, but did an early episode show Dale or Andrea, somebody in the original camp, hitting golf balls off the roof of the RV? I thought I remembered that, and the implication was that the RV in this episode was Dale's. But again, I may totally have made that up.

I like where the episode ended up, but there were quite a few things that didn't make sense:

Man of Steel: Magnolias
Man of Steel: Yourselves for Yet Another Gratuitous Superhero Franchise

Broke-ass, yes. College student, no. But you're right about the TV.

Shit. Okay. I don't own a blu-ray because honestly I don't see the point. I'm not one to nitpick that sort of shit. Also, DVD is still widely used and supported. I just thought it was odd to only release this on blu-ray. I get that that's the way the world is going. Fine. Still seems odd to me. Last thing, re the

"…tries his hand at 'feel good…'" Nicely done. Very nicely done.