A Pile of Hamburger Trash

That this doesn't exist on DVD is bullshit.

Assuming the existence of a cosmic scale, once a person eats his own shit, every decent thing he's done is pretty much negated.

The great, ironic thing is that when they tilt their dumb heads to shake their hair around, they actually look mentally retarded. And I in no way mean to insult the mentally retarded by comparing them to male teenagers.

Apparently the swooping hair thing is taken very seriously. When I taught high school there was a period of time when I had longish hair (English teacher; totally acceptable) that I parted because, you know, that's what you do with longish hair. I had a group of students who gave me shit about it—the part—which

You underestimate the size of my computer monitor.

Yeah, I love Key and Peele, but this seems like a match made in Dafuq?

Fuckin' hated that movie. Usually I don't just outright say a movie was a piece of shit, but that movie was a piece of shit.

You're not alone in this. It drives me absolutely nuts.

I wish they'd just be honest about how they feel toward their audience in these "apologies" and end with, "But none of this matters because you're all a bunch of fucking idiots."

Of course.

Okay. I thought—honest to goodness—that Angela Lansbury was dead. Like, would have sworn I remember it being talked about. Had someone asked me five minutes ago, in a court of law, hand on the Bible, I would have sworn that yes, sure, of course everyone knows Angela Lansbury died like, howevermany years ago. So…it's

There have been plenty of gory and disgusting things on this show since it began, but that shot of blood and other shit pouring out of Glen's mouth was among the nastiest.

Exactly. Like Right_Bastard pointed out, his insistence on making the reworked versions the definitive versions is silly and bizarre.


The prequels sucked, but whatever. Fucking up the originals when they were re-released was unforgivable.

What's weird is we were a God-fearing household.

Or at least its definition has changed. Family Hour in my household was gathering around the tube for NYPD Blue.

"FCC" sounded out is "fuck." So there.

That's actually a pretty great story. Bro.

I like this. For me it's Wayne's World. In high school, no matter what else happened, the weekend nights would end with me and my friends watching it for the umpteenth time. I own it now and could watch it whenever, but the only way to watch it would be at about 1am in my parents' living room.