A Pile of Hamburger Trash


This does not apply to all pop culture, though. I once tried to listen to Creed correctly and ended up in the hospital for a week.

I'm confused as to why everybody's assuming she's gone forever. Isn't it possible that the show will continue to follow her storyline?

He was the black guy that got killed by zombies.

I've been enjoying this season much more than the last. I like these quieter episodes that are about more than just killin' zombies.

Yeah, you're definitely rewarded for your ignorance in this case.

Fair enough.

This is probably the most self-loathing comments section on A.V. Club. We all know we listened to that shit in high school and college and we've never known how to reconcile it with the good people we truly believe ourselves to be.

Oh, so that's what he's doing.

I always thought the boners inspired the poetry. Different strokes, I suppose.

But we can all agree that President Donald Sutherland is an asshole.

Nicely done, sir.

I never could decide if they were actual zombie werewolves, or just created in the competitors' likenesses to screw with whoever was left. Either way, freaky as shit.

I'm going to go ahead an assume you meant to reply to someone else. Otherwise, there's a joke I'm not getting.

Exactly. It was actually kind of creepy.

Word. There's been this whole "Don't tell your dad"/"I'm telling my dad," thing between her and Carl. And I kept waiting on the reveal that Carl was the killer. I half expected him to shoot Hershel when they were in the woods.

Did nobody teach these people to cover their damn mouths when they cough?

This was clearly a big middle finger to the Internet.

"You're fucking crazy, man."

Bill Pullman, on grainy video, covered in blood and screaming over Arquette's body.