You are confusing her with Lori from TWD.
You are confusing her with Lori from TWD.
Now he has time to go back and eat all those watermelons he smashed!
You got some mad flava, kid.
Yeah, that's funny: I also sold my first copy of OK Computer. I couldn't even tell you why. Maybe the songs weren't immediate enough for my 18yo self to handle. I dunno … I got into it later after becoming a fan of the band through other albums but, probably to this day, I still don't know if I love OKC the way…
Dude's kinda bland but I really liked his blind audition.
Freaks and Geeks ends with James Franco playing D&D w/ the geeks, right? Or am I misremembering?
I graduated the yr after you, actually: 1997. Other than RATM and Tool - both of which had '96 releases as you say, I listened to some terrible shit back then (basically whatever was on the radio), so I don't feel that same sort of musical connection to 1997 that perhaps you do with '96.
I think you make a good point about Sophia's reveal being long awaited and how that added some nice heft to the midseason finale. I certainly felt that. It made you understand Shane's anger and actions. It made you understand everyone's frustrations. As annoying as the characterizations can be and as much as alot…
I love that movie and now that trailer. @avclub-f62296b9393b6ab9229ebde91ed8469f:disqus is right. This kinda badass shit don't fly anymore, the money men want it a certain why.
Agree completely. Other than the pilot and a few other stretches, the first season was pretty mediocre. The second season, even with Sophia's search in the first half, has been more enjoyable - particularly the back half!
That's a great year.
I went through a period where I didn't revisit either of the first two albums for a while. I guess I was just into different stuff then. But in the last yr or so, I've gone back and found myself really enjoying some of it again. Celibate Life, Know Your Onion, Gone for Good, Kissing the Lipless, Pressed in a Book…
Might be wrong but I think they were missing teeth?
At season's end, thanks to Zach Handlen for the reviews and to all of you for the comments. I like this show okay, it has its problems, but coming here and reading the reviews/commentary definitely makes it a more rich experience.
I thought the same thing. That actually made me fear a bit more for Andrea even tho I don't particularly care for her.
Can someone comment on whether Lori is just as terrible in the comics? B'cuz it has to take some serious deliberation to make a character this unlikeable, particularly one that's not even truly a villain.
"Zombie awesomesauce."
Something much worse: Carl with a fucking slingshot.
(I disagree about katanas - they can be pretty gnarly)
I really dislike Andrea's character as well but her getting left behind like that was a raw deal and I found myself caring a little bit for her survival.
Agreed. As a non-comics reader, I was like WTF followed by AWESOME.