
The summer after my freshman yr of HS I was stuck in India for 6 wks.  Aside from a few books, I had a Sony Walkman and a cassette of that album with "I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won't  Do That)" {Bat Out of Hell Part 2???} and I really played the shit out of it.

fwiw,  i think the reviews are fine and i enjoy reading them after every episode (along with all these comments!).

Despite watching the final moments of the episode 3x, I couldn't for sure make out what it was we were seeing.  I figured it was a z-horde but didn't know for sure until I read it in the review here.  Way to make me think I'm going blind, AMC!

@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus What you say about Carl makes sense but it also bums me out.  As much as I find the kid's acting to be somewhat grating, his character is now probably the most interesting one on the show moving fwd now that Shane's out of the picture.  If they *off* Carl, then what? 

I see that you're upset.

Thnx,  that's pretty interesting and I could see some of that happening with her character on the show possibly.  They need to do something with her cuz she is an eyesore of a character right now.

Poster is either advocating Carl's death or advocating Carl to kill someone.

Part of me wants to see him get killed by the horde, part of me thinks that would make for a poor show moving fwd.  All of me though wants to see the zombie horde pick him up so that he can enjoy some quality crowd surfing.

Very much so!

Now that you mention it, and only becuz you mentioned it, I remember Jim and that happening.  But I don't remember who he was otherwise.  Did he have any relation to any of the other group members we've seen?  And how did he get infected again?

She is shrillness personified.

What's her storyline in the comics?

When this farm's a'moaning, don't come a'roaming!

More like Theryl Cunt, amirite brahs?

This pleases me.

Dude, Riggins had issues going to San Antonio.  Forget about Mars.

You say that like it's a bad thing.  Lord knows we have enuf ads and trailers that give away everything.

Yeah, that's right.  Good call.  Thanks.

Do we know that Daryl shared that intel about the rape gang with the others?  I was wondering about that.  It seems like the kind of news you'd tell ppl but (i) he seems isolated/alienated, (ii) I don't remember them showing us anything that suggests he did, and (iii) it seems like this info would pretty much seal