

This would be a bad Buzzfeed post

How about a website that can handle videos without making articles impossible to read?

Tell me more about this Emilia Harris

Hey, A.V. Club! Ever heard of an editor?

Hasn't helped that there have been a few multi-week breaks this season.

Am I the only one who's browser freezes/crashes on the South Park reviews (and only the South Park reviews)? Every week, desktop and mobile.

this is wonderful, thank you for sharing
<3 funches

That lawyer's purple glasses deserve 5 stars. Absolute flames.

I see a bad-ass mother who don't take no crap off of nobody!

Wine is not a cocktail, so that story about not knowing your shit certainly adds up.

You're gonna love Sheamus

Nobody charges for carry-ons

There was a theme park in Massachusetts called "SpookyWorld" which was open only in the fall, your standard haunted houses, candy apples fare that's all over the northeast. They would have special appearances all the time by horror "celebrities" (I recall Lou Ferrigno doing a signing there once). That same night,

it's worth noting that the band ALWAYS closes their shows with sweetness and not the middle, they know what we know

well i'm from rhode island, so…

she was incredible.
"if he sells that car, i will eat my own pussy" is still one of the funniest things i've ever heard.

they've been meta for a long time, especially this season. if there's one thing glee does consistently well, its making fun of itself.

will has a meltdown last season because he's afraid his precious glee kids
won't come to his wedding. when emma leaves him at the altar he agrees to have
the reception so the kids can have a good time. then he agrees to get married
in the choir room with just about all the glee kids except for, you know, the
two that

this review makes my brain hurt. episode was fantastic. if you imagine andy was actually fired at the beginning, i'd even say it was perfect.