
Sherlock Hemlock is the name of the detective muppet on Sesame Street. You're welcome.

Isn't the entirety of HIMYM about Ted's desire to have a child?

Watch the clips. It's David Brent with bad hair and an underbite. HA!

I could tell it was fake all the way through because of the "fortress" actor but it was still a good story, all plausible, right until the end. They showed a perfectly-posed non-dead photo of a guy who was both dead and un-identified. Unless he carried a photo of himself in his pocket - and not an ID - there's no way

Great job, I really enjoyed reading these. Please do seasons 2 and 3!!

Not a Zach G Lover
…at all. The guy creeps me out. But the only good parts of this show were the monologue, the Digital Short and the mohawk at the end. All of them thanks to Galifianakis.

Oops - you dropped in on a clunker
I agree with an above poster that you picked a bad episode to "drop in" on. Yeah you got to see the gay boyfriend and Brick being weird, but the two plots were seriously boring. Especially Frankie's plot with her boss.

What the what?
What kind of sentence is this?