
I rarely have a whole lot original to say, and even more rarely get here close enough to say it, but is anyone else bothered by that middle response?

Get your bro-y troll bullshit out of here.

I don't understand. How is that not outright rape? If she is too drunk to consent, it's a no go.

I'll somewhat second this, except slightly different. I had a couple friends in first grade tell me that boys have a penis, while girls have a pagina (it makes sense, right? both start with p), so that nomenclature lasted until sex ed started in fourth grade.

On the FFXII remaster note, all of that generation's other remasters have eventually made it to the PC, so this one likely will as well at some point. But yeah, an announcement now would still be welcome.

Ah. You are right. There was a description of a horse that matches the description of another horse from several books ago. Anyone who did not recognize that this particular horse resembles the Hound's horse, and then immediately deduce that because there exists in this world a horse that resembles the Hound's

Oh get a grip. The Hound didn't explicitly die on screen, and then there was a two line throw-off description in the middle of a chapter that could possibly resemble him. Anyone who claims different is full of shit from 6 years of fan theories.

Like so many of Dan's letters, communication is necessary. Not just the first time a pair does something, but continuing to feel comfortable and willing to communicate. If neither you nor her miss it, not just as a result of a period or some other temporary occurrence, that is fine (I've been there). If your first

I think that is something that varies widely by specific participants. We are obviously still nothing but anecdotes, but in my relatively similar (28-36) group of friends, the divide is not married / single, but kids / no kids. The married or LTR pairs generally don't have issues spending time with single members,

Jesus, I can confirm those shittastic commercials extend as far north as Eugene, Oregon, as well. I hate those guys just … so much.

Completely off topic but I love your name. My favorite game ever.

Don't knock my smock, or I'll clean your clock.

Requesting clearance, Clarence.

I guess I'll be that guy, having played soccer in third, fourth AND fifth grade. Is there a non-goalie member of the opposing team between you and his goal? If yes, you are not offsides. Is the ball between you and the opposing team's goal? If yes, you are not offsides. If neither of the above is true, you are

Cersei, back in A Feast for Crows.

" “Monkey” was terribly boring of course, which is to be expected from a
table-setting episode in a season in which episodes that felt like that
could conceivably lead to something interesting in the future were the
best of the bunch."

Good lord, I just read Sims' review and this made me want to bust out laughing.

"Might have to make them [the two siblings] go play in the bathroom for an hour"

Agreed.  I've never met anyone who would define themselves as "polyamorous" as they would "gay", "straight" or anything else along those lines.  Sounds like an asshole to me.

Agreed.  I've never met anyone who would define themselves as "polyamorous" as they would "gay", "straight" or anything else along those lines.  Sounds like an asshole to me.