~Danger Zone~
~Danger Zone~
~Danger Zone~
I really enjoyed that Transformers line.
I really enjoyed that Transformers line.
That slurring the esses joke was already made on Arrested Development and It's Always Sunny, including the exact same 'says sentence with a ton of esses' punchline. Pretty weird how a recognizable joke like that gets cribbed multiple times.
That burning the contracts scene must have been the stupidest moment in Smash so far. Jesus. That was so pointlessly vindictive. The show might actually be better off with Ellis as a producer.
[Sounds like he’s frothing at the mouth.]
These guys give the best interviews.
Feels good man.
He's talking about how good tv clusters together.
Was the Prisoner miniseries actually bad? I never saw the original one and the premise + Ian McKellen intrigued me.
I agree and also hate everything else about this show.