
The double feature is Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, yes?

Trouble With The… uh… Alzheimer's.

Trouble With The… uh… Alzheimer's.

Go and see it. It's great, unpretentious fun, and the 3D is actually pretty good. This reviewer is in the minority and therefore rendered wrong. Not technically, but, uh, spiritually. You won't regret watching people die in super slow-motion. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Go and see it. It's great, unpretentious fun, and the 3D is actually pretty good. This reviewer is in the minority and therefore rendered wrong. Not technically, but, uh, spiritually. You won't regret watching people die in super slow-motion. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Yup. I read that bad boy good and proper in 2011.

Yup. I read that bad boy good and proper in 2011.

Why silly?

Why silly?

Are you kidding me? It's one of the most readable books I''ve ever read. And I've read, like, sixty books.

Are you kidding me? It's one of the most readable books I''ve ever read. And I've read, like, sixty books.

It is silly fun, and it's pretty great. Rotten Tomatoes has it at 90% - consider how high that is for a movie like this and forget the A.V. Club review. He's got it wrong.

It is silly fun, and it's pretty great. Rotten Tomatoes has it at 90% - consider how high that is for a movie like this and forget the A.V. Club review. He's got it wrong.

You haven't referred to a vagina properly until you've refered to it as a "Wizard's Sleeve."

You haven't referred to a vagina properly until you've refered to it as a "Wizard's Sleeve."

For shame! This episode completely misrepresented New Orleans!

Mexico, anyone?

Name's Crunchy. I can help you.

Oh. My sarcasm didn't hit the mark, then.

This genuinely seems really fresh and original.