Chad Robert Kroeger

We can self-promote? I recently reviewed the gonzo Nightcrawler:

Okay, that's it…
I really hope they end the show after the upcoming 7th season. Sure, it could go on - I'd even argue that Michael Scott is the worst/most grating character on the show and his exit could benfit the show. But why bother? Shake things up a bit this season without having to worry about getting back to

Haha, 'older mutant'. Gummo was great when I was 14 and I've quoted it endlessly since. I haven't seen it for a few years, but I like its sense of place and just the pure filthiness of it all. Y'know, people can make something great or near-great and never be able to replicate it; see also Richard Kelly.

Wait, are you saying that Goatwhore, Kataklysm and Skeletonwitch are real bands? I thought at least one of those was thrown in as a joke.

I thought Alan Cumming would be Mincing Smurf. He is gay, you know.

I think we should free the pedos so they don't terrorize us in dreams.