
He's absolutely just being weird for the sake of making people say "Oh, that Shia!" He frequents the restaurant a friend of mine in LA works at. One day they were on a wait and the host told him as soon as she got a busboy to clear off a certain table, it would be his. So instead of waiting there like a normal human,

Gilbert Gottfried and Michael Richards are funny in it too.

Controversial opinion: The first Problem Child move is pretty funny.

I lived in Wichita for 3 years and I can assure you nothing about Riverfest is cool. It costs $5 to get a pass for the entire duration and is always just a bunch of homeless people, juggalo teens, and Nascar enthusiasts. They got The Roots and Violent Femmes this year because a younger guy took over and is admirably

Prince in the bathtub calling his rubber duck "a fascist" is pretty funny.

Bill Cosby as Serial Rapist.


Has to be someone with over the top charisma capable of brain washing huge groups of people. If Tom Cruise could gain 50 pounds….

Idk, I think it was worth casting Travolta for the 1 hillarious scene when Clark came back to the court room with a new haircut and he gave her that thumbs up.

After a night of screaming at my television in agony over up and comers being made to look inferior by geezers and having all of their heat destroyed (Bray Wyatt went from New Undertaker to New Mideon in about 3 months), only the WWE could find a way to have a 25 year old finally pin a 45 year old clean in the main

Saw Axl's GNR at a festival a few years ago. They started two hours late and Axl was so out of shape. He had to get oxygen off stage between songs and was completely out of breath the entire time. He missed like half of the lyrics. The whole thing was basically…"Welcome…huh huh huh…..jungle….we've…huh…huh…huh…games"

I'm a big fan of the "Timmy Loved Judas Priest" kids who go from "WE GOT BACKSTAGE PASSES!" to "Uh..our friend died in a car wreck" in the span of about 5 seconds.

Proof that this band was at one time, many many years ago, pretty fucking rad.

He really is just absolutely tremendous in Baskets. He brings so much depth, sweetness, and sadness to a character that could've been a one note joke in lesser hands.

So I says to him, I says "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"

Love Dean but totally disagree with you about Mania. Jobbing to Brock Lesnar isn't going to make him a star. It's just going to once again reiterate that WWE is 1998 WCW where the top spots are occupied by old men that hold young talent down. Also, fuck what they've done with Bray in jobbing him to oblivion. He's gone

Please, call me Chuckie's dad.

Get in line with Lauren Lapkus. She's like the comedy nerd equivalent of Mid 90's Winona Ryder at this point…

I'm a big Gaslight fan and even really liked The Horrible Crowes album but I could not get into Get Hurt at all. I don't think a band that I've loved has ever released an album that I liked less. I'm happy he's taking a break from Gaslight. I haven't listened to this yet but the performance on Colbert last night made

People falsely accused of crimes aren't phantoms, they are people. Just because it doesn't happen often, doesn't mean it's impossible and doesn't mean it's not terrible when it does. I'm done arguing about this. It's clearly a no win situation. I just don't want to live in a society where anyone is guilty until proven