
Here is a list of things I would not do sexually to Marissa Tomei:

That Houdini bit absolutely killed me. Had to be Hot Saucerman.

Where were you when the blazing wings stopped burning?

Someday I want to pitch a movie by saying "It's like 9/11…underwater"

Really great list. I wish "Sixteen Blue" was on it.

Russo's "Powers That Be" gimmick was hillariously shitty.

Been watching 1999 Raw on the Network. Pretty disappointed that it just randomly stops around November of that year…

The ring work in 1999 might not have been what it is today, but as far as entertainment value as a whole goes, I completely disagree with it being an awful year. In that year they had the Stone Cold and The Rock feud, the genius Rock "This Is Your Life" promo, the debut of The Hardyz, The Dudleyz, and "Welcome to Raw

Is this finally the Return of the Mack we were promised so many years ago??

I was somehow completely unaware of the existence of Loaded Weapon. It has to be just awful, right?

Being named Aaron, I've admittedly played this song at every party I've ever had.

I hope this is the case. My first thought was that Daniel stumbled upon Hannah after she had been raped and in a trance killed her in a hallucination-aided "putting her out of her misery" way

I will inexplicably watch the shit out of this movie anytime it's on cable.

I'm really pissed off that they aren't calling this "The Organ Trail"

"In West Xenu-delphia born and raised/on the aircraft is where I spent most of my days…"

I can be your hero (again) baby. I can (Re)kiss away the pain…

"Mr. Kimble, Timmy has the flu"

Can't wait to see Bert and Ernie eating Johnny Cakes.

(sigh)…..fine, I'll do it.

As a GM of a restaurant, this makes my day. I've dealt with Yelp for a few years now and they are a nightmare. They hide behind a bullshit algorithm, but the bottom line is if you pay them, they feature positive reviews and hide negative ones. If you don't pay them, they feature negatives and hide positives. I know