
I liked Chronicle and his dad was a national treasure, but it doesn't change the fact that this guy is a relentless douchebag. http://jezebel.com/screenwr…

David Chase on the Andy Greenwald podcast is a must listen for Sopranos fans.

I'm going to hate myself for loving this.

It's weird thinking about how different the arc for this show could have been had MIchael Pitt not been an asshole on set

I desperately want to see Birdman, but live in Wichita so will probably have to wait forever. Does anyone know of a website that shows future dates for when a movie is rolling out into certain parts of the country?

If The Dude goes gluten free, then I've lost all hope for humanity.

People lose their fucking minds when that 2 Chainz verse starts

I would also argue that he resurrected Jay-Z with Watch The Throne in the eyes of hip hop fans who realize that he hadn't done anything remotely interesting since the American Gangster soundtrack

We are two great men named Louis!

Because I discovered Bright Eyes during the most pivotal emo period of adolescence, nostalgia will always motivate me to find a way to force myself to like whatever Conor Oberst is doing.

I had to be in this horrible Lewis and Clark (NO! Clark and Lewis!….this was the main song) musical in elementary school. I was their dog who had a song about how tough it was being a dog on the road to the new world. Because of this experience, I hate everything Lewis and Clark related forever.

What do you think Grisham prefers his sexually posed children wear? Boxers or Pelican Briefs?

No mention of the theme song from Problem Child?

My favorite Jack Arnold scene is when he's doing The Honeymooners impressions for his unamused, asshole dad, who was also fantastic. The Wonder Years was loaded with talented supporting characters.

What kind of decent father lets his daughter run off to Alaska with David Schwimmer?

Doug (not Disney's Doug) is still one of my favorite shows ever. Also, random weird fact: The older blonde yoga lady from Orange is the New Black was the voice of Patty Mayonnaise.

I saw it last night. Gone Girl is def one of my five fav episodes of HIMYM so far.

"Do they know it's BOGO at the mall?"

In fairness, succeeding on Last Comic Standing almost guarantees that you aren't actually funny.

You had me up until Samm Levine.