
"You lied about going out with Jimmy Moon tonight! You are grounded! Go to your room, Lucy! I'll be in to check on you after your mom goes to sleep…"

I read Elijah's parts in the voice of the guy who does the Mark Wahlberg impression on Doug Loves Movies? "Lord of the rings? Fuck bro. You're welcome."

He kisses like I'd imagine a horse would kiss another horse.

Graffiti Bridge is unwatchable, Under The Cherry Moon is so charmingly bad that it becomes an extremely enjoyable, unintentionally hilarious watch. It's 100% the result of Prince being given a pile of money after Purple Rain and being told by a studio to do whatever he wants. The story makes little sense. The dialogue


Ice Cube teams up with Sylvester Stallone and a Mississippi Queen in the medical marijuana business.

I'd pay good money to see The Ezell Chronicles

The weirdest thing about the Pussy Posse to me was that David Blaine was in it.

My favorite Prince album. Literally flawless from start to finish. My favorites are Gotta Broken Heart Again and Uptown

I have to deal with the A-A-Ron thing on a daily basis.

Taylor Kitsch's agent is a magical wizard. That's the only explanation for his post FNL career.

Didn't Bernie Mac already star in a biography about Andre 3000's life?


FINALLY, the Step by Step reunion seed has been planted…

I would irrationally love to see Tom Cruise do something like this. Or another PTA movie. Or just anything to remind people of how talented he is when he does something interesting…

Horror at Camp Jellyjam and Say Cheese & Die are the ones I remember the most.

Look! A fist!

Eliza Dushku IS Tru Detective…

(sigh)….Where's Wallace?

When I was a teenager, I made my extremely religious parents watch Fargo with me because I mistakenly thought it was a comedy. The wood chipper scene did not go over well.