
It'd be cooler if it was a blend of Steel, Magnolia, The Secret Garden, and Enemy of the State

Sorry, my account was hacked by Werner Herzog

or Grosse: Pointe Blank to some extent.

Saw AIC at a festival a few years ago and was extremely reluctant going in. But they actually put on an incredible show. Their new singer does a B+ Staley impression and Cantrell's guitar playing/harmonies are still perfect. I think it's a real testament to Cantrell as the driving force of the band that they can put

John Q>John K

Saved by the bell. Getting stuck with Jessi in the boiler room. C'mon, mama

I was hoping it'd be a modernized story with a streetwise gangster vampire who has an unquenchable thirst for Bloods.

I agree. From Here to Infirmary is a perfect pop punk album.

I'll call into work if I stumble across Face/Off on TNT…

So the AV Club (rightfully) ridicules Gwyneth Paltrow and all of her insane guru bullshit, but they take time promote the lifestyle of this EQUALLY CRAZY, far less talented/culturally relevant person…

99 percent of vegans I know are super unhealthy overweight college girls that eat pasta nine times a day.

Damn it, Pantera! I told you to get out there mow that lawn!

Fat Lenny would approve.

The suitcase for Marcellus is full of Kashi Go Lean Crunch,

The end result of Steven Tyler having unprotected sex with a muppet 45 years ago.

I firmly believe that Johnny Depp and Tim Burton are the majority stockholders of Hot Topic and that's why they keep making these shitty edgy children's movies. It's the only explanation that makes any amount of sense.

Trapped in the Cleaning Closet.

Ctrl+f "It's existence". 0 matches. Close browser.

Sounds like they are really Russian this project…

Let's not go that far. The lead singer of Kings of Leon was a guest judge on Iron Chef America and in the midst of all these well thought out culinary critiques from the other expert judges called out one of the IRON CHEFS because his food was "too salty". The guy is the absolute worst.