
In that picture, the lead singer looks like a really constipated Brandon Flowers 20 years from now.

You know what they say, damned if you fondue, damned if you fondon't.

If you just pretend Jesus is a superhero in the Marvel universe it greatly improves religious movies.

Eight Arms to Hold You was a really solid album. With David Bowie and Don't Make Me Prove it were pop gems.

Is anyone other than the C.E.O. of Hot Topic really highly anticipating Tim Burton movies at this point?

Damn, I had my fingers crossed for Armond White.

I actually enjoy "Roses" and "The Way You Move" more as pop songs than "Hey Ya" at this point for that very reason.

How has Adam Sandler not adapted Captain Underpants to a live action movie?

Maybe if Don Draper had also turned down boning Linda Cardellini when he had the chance, him and Meghan could be Cory and Topanga levels of happy.

FUCK IT ALL!! *Pours paint all over self*

Moneyball had Brad Pitt and Philip Seymour Hoffman. This movie has Kevin Costner and Dennis Leary.

The trailer for Draft Day looks just abysmal. It's the most "how in the hell did this get made?" trailer I've seen in a theater in years.

You realize like 20 percent of people who eat gluten free do it for medical reasons and the other 80 percent do it because it's a hip fad diet right? Trust me, I work at a restaurant. Whenever someone orders gluten free, we always ask whether or not they have an allergy and 9/10 times the answer is, "No I just don't

I want to see Expendables 3, but I missed Expendables 1 and 2 and am afraid I'd be lost.

Michelangelo NEEDS to be voiced by Dave Coulier.

Alright Shredder, Cut.It.Out.

Jay's "every player gets a prize" blowjob bracelet thing was genius.

Sean also stole Mr. Simpsons's AlienWare laptop which was a classic cool move.

I was ranking in terms of character, not looks

Did Terry ever come out of that coma? I feel like they drove Rick into becoming a school shooter by bullying him over it, yet they really never cared if she actually woke up or not.

Also, Degrassi: The Next Generation Male Power Rankings

Do you mean "Ch-ch-ch-Chip'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers?"