
Great album with brilliant production throughout but the Jay-Z verse is just embarrassingly atrocious. Between that and the Magna Carta album listening to Jay-Z this year has been like watching highlights of Michael Jordan in a Washington Wizards jersey. You can stop now Hov, there's nothing left to prove. We believe

…….Why don't you just tell me what vacuum you want to buy?!

If you wanna listen to Stone Cold conduct insightful interviews about the history of the professional wrestling business via podcast, gimme a Hell Yeah!

"Got to lllllloooovvvveeee the Seether"

Don't Make Me Prove It and With David Bowie are pretty stellar pop tunes.

Nope this is worse. That happened because it was the first year for the Hard Rock/Metal category and the academy didn't understand the genre. This award has been around for a half a century. There is no excuse. Jeff Daniels winning that award would have been like Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close winning Best

"I got a Emmy. He got a Emmy. He got a Emmy. EVERYBODY A GOT A EMMYS!"

Daniels is a fine actor but he as the least talented person in the field and The Newsroom is irresponsibly fucking bad. Biggest travesty in the history of award shows.

Well Vince Gilligan did say from the beginning that his goal was to take "Mr. Chips and turn him into Mr. Douche."

Walt is just being Bon Iver now

Todd-day is the greatest…day I've ever known…

I see a few people complaining about how shoe horning Grey Matter in here is completely out of nowhere when really it's not. I didn't read it as "Walt's going to hunt down Grey Matter" at all. Now that any illusion of all of this benefitting his family is gone, he can focus on the real reason he started cooking meth,



I'm not exaggerating when I say I firmly believe this is the biggest travesty in the history of entertainment awards. Daniels is a fine actor, but he was easily the worst of the group and I'm sorry but The Newsroom is absolute dog shit.

Every vampire movie after Vampire's Kiss is completely irrelevant anyways.

I would love to see a show revolving around Stan smoking pot and getting fatter/hairier. Maybe Last Man Stan-ing…

Yea, I didn't state that well. What I meant is I think eventually we are going to find out more about this situation and it's going to be the equivalent of a show animal that's forced to entertain people against it's will.

I feel like 15 years from now we are going to find out the truth about how truly unstable she is and how she's basically been a slave to her conservators for the last decade and it's going to be genuinely sad.

Not surprised they are in financial trouble. Those baggy JNCO Jeans are like 40 bucks a pop…