
They should've went in at the last second and had Jackie Chan voice an Asian plane named Captain Sum Ting Wong.

A WOMAN? In SPACE? Talk about Science FICTION, amirite?

I bet Walt Jr. and Louis fuckin' RUN that high school…

The Fifth Sense

Magic City: Little, Yellow, Different.

As he usually does, Liam Gallagher summed up this the Mumford and Sons best when he said, "They look like they've got fucking nits."

"Alright, Smurfs time to save the world once and for all!…….But first let's drink this Pepsi"

Smurfs are sadists with newer motion pictures

America, Fuck you

If this movie keeps getting bad reviews, James Deen will just throw on a leather jacket, ride his motorcycle to the top of Penis Point, and brood all alone.

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus I'd contend that Less Than Zero is a pretty damn impressive book when you take into account that it was written by a 20 year old.

Dude from The Journeys of Allen Strange starts readying film treatment in 3….2….

James Dolan

I can't wait to get his live album, Hugh Laurie In Da HOUSE

At least Johnny Depp will be fine. Once Tim Burton's Rumplestiltskin releases in December 2015 starring Johnny Depp in the title role and Helena Bonham Carter as the King's young straw-gold spinning daughter, Depp will be cashing in those 8 figure checks from Hot Topic merch sales and everything will be right in the

I'd rather hear a new record from Soul Decision…

Nick Carter horror films I WOULD help fund:

THIS……………….is African-American Idol!

Jon Otto…….take 'em to the Matthews Bridge!

"As Jamie finally asks whether there will be a Seventh Sense, Willis sighs, “I wouldn’t be surprised”