
This meme admittedly still makes me laugh.


Oneal's goes "duh duh duh duh duh duh duh…duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh"

Should have named the baby "Wild Wild"

"It's in your heeeeeeaaaaadddddd, in your heeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaadddddd….."

I want the epic final kick-in of "Sister Christian" by Night Ranger to be playing as a huge mechanical claw lowers my coffin into the ground.

Because you knew they were funny all along so you're not surprised……right?

Does anyone else watch Martin reruns and get surprised at how funny they are?

Anyone else noticed that Mike Miller looks 40 years old and only stops grimacing and grabbing his back long enough to knock down clutch 3 pointers? If the guy was your dog, you would have had him put to sleep years ago. But he just won't die. He is pretty much NBA Mick Foley at this point.

Rob Schneider IS……The Zombie….Rated PG-13

I cast a write-in vote for Malcom X

We'll live like zombies! Hell damn ass zombies!

In the oral history piece from Vanity Fair she talks about how she sometimes really felt like they were husband and wife and would get jealous when she would watch the show or his later work and see his scenes with other women. Something about that was incredibly endearing to me.

Somewhere in the sky, he is riding Pie-O-My

So incredibly sad. Just finished watching The Sopranos for the first time earlier this years and he was magnificent. Without him and the anti-hero archetype he perfected there would be no Don Draper or Walter White. Also his scene in the motel room in True Romance was fucking terrifying. What a great talent and

I can't bust her chops either, they are far too delicious.

I'd rather be at Coach Conrad's Sit Up Camp For Shirtless Boys


I could care less who wins this series, but if Miami loses tonight and denies America a Game 7 I will be beyond pissed off.

I just ignored everything my parents said and relied on the great people with Yahoo! Answers and I've only had 3 STD'S and been involved with 4 unwanted pregnancies so far…