
I tried but I was flaccid and she just ended up yanking on it.

My girlfriend and I had to kill a few hours in a really tiny town yesterday so we went to their 3 screen movie theater. She refused to watch Fast and Furious and I refused to watch The Internship so we ended up seeing Hangover III. Just indescribably awful. It isn't even that the jokes are bad, there are legit 10

I wonder which was worse for Lindsay: Walking in on your high school crush mounting his girlfriend on YOUR bed or trying to have a perfectly good affair in the privacy of your own home only to have it ruined by the WORST DOORMAN EVER!!

Yea…they come to snuff the firstie…..OH YEAH! YOU KNOW HE AIN'T GONNA DIE-IE!

I don't even believe in Yeebus.

*@ganews:disqus flicks cigarette into water and walks down the road, turning his back to the bridge, satisfied that he just killed his arch nemesis. A few moments go by before the camera dramatically zooms in as we see a hand reach up from below and grasp the edge of the bridge …*

Prediction: Walt is abandoned by his family and gets into some situation where he ends up either sacrificing his life or spending the rest of it in jail so that Jesse can live/not go to jail. I think it's the only way to give Walt any sort of redeeming end at this point.

One kid seems to LOVE the speedo guy….

I am firstie?

The "No Hope With Dope" episode of Saved by the Bell. Johnny Dakota comes to town and sees that none of the gang does drugs, which is ridiculous.

Faded by Soul Decision was my favorite boy band song.

I keep trying to show my girlfriend the "causes cancer" part and hide the "cure" part.

Don and Nick should smoke pot, listen to Jethro Tull, and commiserate together about the loss of Lady L.

But first Henry Cavill must pay the troll toll…

JFK was killed by The Sticky Bandits.

If you are already casting Michelle Trachtenberg, why not just go all the way and send Harriet the Spy back in time to solve the JFK assassination?

Maybe he'd like Suedehead more if Moz got Public Enemy on the remix…

Randomly got a chance to see these guys live on Saturday at a festival I was working at. They put on a fantastic show.

I'll have the Baby Guts Burger

It's Miller Time.