
Lebron James, Paul George, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Bill Russell…

How can you like Get Lucky and not like Lose Yourself to Dance?

Also, on a serious geeky wrestling note, RVD was one of the greatest in ring performers of the last 15 years. He's in that group with HBK, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, and a few others.Of course the WWE never figured out how to use him….

The kick in on "This Love" is epic.

*Gets arrested for possession of marijuana with Sabu*

Bad Teacher: Port of Call New Orleans

I brought my pilot…..gimme 6 seasons to write on!

But I already bought all of this of pot and cereal…

Wicky wild wild wild Wicky wicky wild wild wild wicky wicky Wild Wild kanye West…

Really? I could have sworn she was a 14 year old boy when that video was made…

Springsteen Music Video-banged a teenage Courtney Cox after that concert probably.

They may very well Get Rich To This.

There's no "I" in Teamocil…

Is she funny or something?

Beating a woman certainly is an interesting way to facilitate a heel turn. WWE should do that with John Cena.

Doin' It Right is permanently etched into my brain.

From just a marketing standpoint, the buildings thing is unbelievably smart/innovative. Plus the new songs sound like nothing else going on in hip hop right now. Kanye is slowly morphing into this generation's Prince. Creatively, he is miles ahead of everyone else his genre. The problem is he's very aware of that fact

I love rap, but it just doesn't translate well to live performances. 98% of rap concerts sound terrible.

I'm more excited for his side project group The Yeezus and Mary Chain

That's what the pockets are for!