
2 Last 2 Vegas

Jackie Chan in Ken Jeong role?

This is the coolest thing….I have ever seen.

The working title for this film was probably "Blackjack Bucket List"

Babyface Killa was one of my favorite mixtapes of last year for sure.

Maybe if they started writing for It's Always Sunny earlier the last season wouldn't have been nothing but loud screaming and lazy call backs. One of my favorite shows ever but the episodes last season were seriously just:

I, too, don't know what this is. But the guy in the grey polo was in House Arrest/The Paper Brigade, which are both movies I watched 400 times on Saturday mornings growing up. So there's that.

So with a hologram Eazy-E, Bone Thugs will essentially be able to do the Crossroads music video live.

Matter of preference. Do you like your mattress soft or firm?

I will Cosine

You are hearing me jazz….

They should have made Ginny Sack the mother.

So it's an Al Gore biopic?

Rest In Penises


I can't wait until Walter Blanco's wife tells him she fucked Tomás.

My parents drove it up from the Bahamas

These days, Lane Staley really IS the Man in the Box.

So no one told you Go On was gonna end this way…
**clap clap clap clap clap clap clap**

A tie between D2 Mighty Ducks/Heavyweights. I've probably seen each of them over 100 times and never get bored with either. Interesting to look at how much crossover there is between the cast of the two movies as well. Also, "I'm feeling SKINNY Tony!" and "WOO WOO WOO KENNY WOO!!!"