
I'm finally going to spend the necessary 90 hours and watch The Sopranos from start to finish

I want it to just be a continuation of Martin with Frazier joining Martin, Cole, and Tommy as the 4th member of their crew.

"Morm Money, Morm Problems"

Have there been any cool terrorist attacks?

My cousin has a face tattoo. He didn't commit suicide. He murdered a random old man. So your theory that people with face tattooos may have some sort of emotional problems is complete hogwash.

@avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus I feel like you were probably one of those people who was really stoked when Steely Dan won the Best Album Grammy in 2001.

These beats are dope

I feel like people who bring up the MTV awards thing as a reason to not like Kanye are missing the point. To me, it's part of his appeal. So many iconic rap artists (Jay-Z immediately comes to mind) are just presented as these infallible, impossibly cool human beings.

Old to the sport-o, Great to the Gats-bay
Fo' shizzle my nizzle used to dribble down in West Egg

And the winner for best picture is….  " a%$#@Ffffg!"

It's NBC's comedy philosophy

When it Rainns, it pours

American slaves did NOT eat spaghetti

All I remember about Reign of Fire is the part in the trailer where the guy says, "You take out the heart, you bring down the BEAST!!"

All I remember about Reign of Fire is the part in the trailer where the guy says, "You take out the heart, you bring down the BEAST!!"

"But Mom, I don't WANT to be in City Slickers 3!!" 

"But Mom, I don't WANT to be in City Slickers 3!!" 

Those Fun. songs are insanely annoying to me, which is ironic, because I admittedly really enjoyed The Format in high school….

Those Fun. songs are insanely annoying to me, which is ironic, because I admittedly really enjoyed The Format in high school….

*Crosses Fingers* Favorite On Screen Hand Job: Amy Adams and Phillip Seymour Hoffman