
*Crosses Fingers* Favorite On Screen Hand Job: Amy Adams and Phillip Seymour Hoffman

Is she related to Rainn Wilson? It'd make sense seeing as how they are both only funny in 5 minute spans.

Is she related to Rainn Wilson? It'd make sense seeing as how they are both only funny in 5 minute spans.



"OH my god, did you hear Becky slept at Robin Hood's house last night? What a slut. Let's blog about it"

"OH my god, did you hear Becky slept at Robin Hood's house last night? What a slut. Let's blog about it"

Russ was so great tonight. "And the man will die….and the chicken will live…."

Russ was so great tonight. "And the man will die….and the chicken will live…."

So 4 out of 5 stars of david?

So 4 out of 5 stars of david?

Someone didn't get their kicks…

Someone didn't get their kicks…

If you consider On The Road just a series of journal entries or short stories, it's pretty enjoyable. As a cohesive novel, yea not a lot going on there…

If you consider On The Road just a series of journal entries or short stories, it's pretty enjoyable. As a cohesive novel, yea not a lot going on there…

This has a 74% on Rotten Tomatoes right now so it seems like a lot of critics are just accepting it as non nonsensical fun, which seems like it would be the right approach. I know I'm in the Minority Report here, but I still really enjoy Tom Cruise. I wish he would do more challenging roles,  but if this is in the

This has a 74% on Rotten Tomatoes right now so it seems like a lot of critics are just accepting it as non nonsensical fun, which seems like it would be the right approach. I know I'm in the Minority Report here, but I still really enjoy Tom Cruise. I wish he would do more challenging roles,  but if this is in the

My parents live in a tiny farm town, Pawnee, Oklahoma, and when I read this headline I got irrationally stoked for a good 5 seconds…what a let down. Oh well, at least we've got Dick Tracy creator, Chester Gould. No one can take that from us. No one.

My parents live in a tiny farm town, Pawnee, Oklahoma, and when I read this headline I got irrationally stoked for a good 5 seconds…what a let down. Oh well, at least we've got Dick Tracy creator, Chester Gould. No one can take that from us. No one.

The Master for me was a lot like the first season of Boardwalk Empire. A bunch of fantastic actors doing their best work in front of the most gorgeous scenery imaginable, but there just wasn't enough engaging storytelling to back it up. I love PTA and didn't by any means hate the movie, I just found the film as a