
It was made in 1999. It takes my vote too. Just a terrible, terrible film.

The scene where Cage with Travolta's face visists Travolta with Cage's face in prison for the first time is one of my favorite ever. "Whoooo-eee you good looking!"

The scene where Cage with Travolta's face visists Travolta with Cage's face in prison for the first time is one of my favorite ever. "Whoooo-eee you good looking!"

Donnie Darko is a good watch the first time when you are confused and trying to figure out what's going on. Once you see how everythign fits, it becomes less enjoyable with every subsequent viewing.

Donnie Darko is a good watch the first time when you are confused and trying to figure out what's going on. Once you see how everythign fits, it becomes less enjoyable with every subsequent viewing.

I've met several people who enjoy getting high BEFORE going to lift. It sounds incredibly dangerous but I had a buddy who swore by it because "you can feel every muscle in your body working." A quick google search shows that it's not an uncommon thing.

I've met several people who enjoy getting high BEFORE going to lift. It sounds incredibly dangerous but I had a buddy who swore by it because "you can feel every muscle in your body working." A quick google search shows that it's not an uncommon thing.

I don't care what anyone says; Face/Off is the most fantastic trash ever. It strikes that rare balance of being utterly fucking ridiculous, embracing its own stupidity, and pushing it further and further for maximum entertainment. Plus you get vintage Cage and one of the best Travolta performances ever.

I don't care what anyone says; Face/Off is the most fantastic trash ever. It strikes that rare balance of being utterly fucking ridiculous, embracing its own stupidity, and pushing it further and further for maximum entertainment. Plus you get vintage Cage and one of the best Travolta performances ever.

I can understand it not being a favorite of someones, but to do anything but praise Spacey/Benning's performances in that movie is absurd.

I can understand it not being a favorite of someones, but to do anything but praise Spacey/Benning's performances in that movie is absurd.

The scene where Frank takes over the boat and starts relaying all the gang's wacky misadventures to the tourists is the single worst/laziest thing this show has ever done.

The scene where Frank takes over the boat and starts relaying all the gang's wacky misadventures to the tourists is the single worst/laziest thing this show has ever done.

When you have the second best Paul Scheer show on on the Thursday TV slate, you may be in trouble…

When you have the second best Paul Scheer show on on the Thursday TV slate, you may be in trouble…

I love this show, but this episode just was not very strong. Sunny is hit or miss now and way too reliant on call backs to set up jokes. There are still great episodes (Frank's Little Beauties, Dee Gets Audited) but they are usually sandwiched between lesser ones. This episode had some laughs, it wasn't Thundergun

I love this show, but this episode just was not very strong. Sunny is hit or miss now and way too reliant on call backs to set up jokes. There are still great episodes (Frank's Little Beauties, Dee Gets Audited) but they are usually sandwiched between lesser ones. This episode had some laughs, it wasn't Thundergun

I was hoping for a "You instagram slackers/I eat instagraham crackers" couplet…

I was hoping for a "You instagram slackers/I eat instagraham crackers" couplet…

Brian Keith Jones is the Wee Bay to Nelly's Avon…