
I'm not a huge fan of her music, (though I maintain "Fantasy" is one of the best pop singles of the 90's) but to claim that Mariah Carey isn't an incredibly talented vocalist is absurd. She would be the most talented singer in a lineup of about 95% of the entire music industry.

Would the story of Jonah and the Whale really be THAT much more ridiculous if you added outer space to the equation?

Would the story of Jonah and the Whale really be THAT much more ridiculous if you added outer space to the equation?

Heartbreaker is a flawless album.

Heartbreaker is a flawless album.

Out on the road today I saw a replicant sticker on a Cadillac

Out on the road today I saw a replicant sticker on a Cadillac

Woah Capwne, Take It Easy…..

Woah Capwne, Take It Easy…..

Budgets for Depp movies these days don't really matter once you factor in Hot Topic t-shirt sales.

Budgets for Depp movies these days don't really matter once you factor in Hot Topic t-shirt sales.

It's surprising too, considering Rison made 5 pro bowls. He was certainly no scrub.

It's surprising too, considering Rison made 5 pro bowls. He was certainly no scrub.

It's difficult to feel sympathy for SOME of them. A lot of these guys though grow up dirt poor in urban areas, get a college scholarship and attend the minimum amount of fake classes (seriously the dudes I knew at Oklahoma State were in like Bowling and History of Television and shit), move to the NFL the second they

It's difficult to feel sympathy for SOME of them. A lot of these guys though grow up dirt poor in urban areas, get a college scholarship and attend the minimum amount of fake classes (seriously the dudes I knew at Oklahoma State were in like Bowling and History of Television and shit), move to the NFL the second they

Random Andre Rison story. My buddy growing up was a big Chiefs fan and got to go in the lockeroom after one of the games. Andre Rison autographed one of his cleats and gave it to him. He still has it in a case at his parents' house.

Random Andre Rison story. My buddy growing up was a big Chiefs fan and got to go in the lockeroom after one of the games. Andre Rison autographed one of his cleats and gave it to him. He still has it in a case at his parents' house.

*As Romney watches this in a room full of advisors

*As Romney watches this in a room full of advisors

The one on the left looks like Matthew Lillard in Hackers.