
I'm glad your priorities are straight.
I was considering adopting a starving child, or going back to school to learn medicine to help cure dieses…
but apperantly the world desperately needs a made up superhero. Where's my pencil?

You can still be pro-choice as well as finding some of the choices horrible.

Why are you celebrating this attention seeking sloth?
I hope Jason Segel never acknowledges this waste, allowing the ink of the photos to seep slowly into his paper-cut innards.

did you just assume that statues gender?

Here's my conspiracy theory…

No way! Daaaamn you missed out big time.

Aw, a new creative and funny way to shame the women of their nation. It's sorta cute because they used outdated technology.

The twist is that it was his twin brother the whole time.

This could be good. I hope it's a dark comedy like 'Observe and Report'

It is the rape Capital! Jenna has been raped the most times in Sweeden.

A detachable shower head can shoot water right up there. Enemas. Shave away (or wax) any excess hair.

Mop mop mop, all day long
Mop mop mop, while I sing this song..

Restaurant Brands International Inc. sounds like the company in Breaking Bad- I imagine their headquarters to be the same.

If we get Popeyes in my Canadian city I'll be a happy man! This is the best news I've seen all day.

Average people like average things.

I put this chicken tender in my ass for nothing?

'This is no hero! Real heros take the legs of their enemies- not the other way around. Loser'

Not really, I live outside the deplorable United States of America, so I can see what's going on from a different point of view. I also know a tiny bit about how websites make money.
But despite what your politics are- this is exactly a typical American response to facts being presented.

Don't count on this changing. The owner of this website (and Univision) was the the top donor to the Clinton Foundation.
Also I'm guessing the accountants at the AV Club are loving this. They're getting way more 'click$' by going this political route. - this article is all money- 1 paragraph- copy and paste other

Let the cashing in on dead celebrities begin! 2016 was a great year for back catalog owners.