
Good, why is the national park service tweeting about the inauguration in the first place?

What form will this resistance take?

Congrats to ol Billy redsperm on becoming a father as well. (Not sure if it's happened yet, it's been anyday now for the past week on the MMPC and the TAJBFMMPC).

Mention it all you want on message boards filled with people who agree, it still won't change anything. You gotta follow your convictions with real action.

This sounds like a party!
I bet there's loads of great pussy to grab there now that it's legal.

I wish he would shave his beard. I thought he was a good looking fellow.

Do something about it,. Don't pay your taxes.

Chichi didn't do anything to get his name in this website. That was someone else's call.

Never be ashamed of who you are. You can't help you we're born with the colour of skin you have. Besides it's what's on the inside that counts. Right?

Hooray,. Let's applaud violence towards those who disagree with us. That's what we do right?

What if anybody who had a problem with trump actually did something other then stare into a screen and call down C-list celebrities like Scott Baio and Steve Harvey?

I'm waiting to see if red dead redemption 2 will be supported before I buy one.

Wow,. It really took a weird turn at the end. that's a terrible way to spend the last years of your life. Rest in peace.

There goes my Jackson Bio-pic.

As long as she her characters departure from the Star Wars universe is exactly like Poochies's departure from the Itchy & Scratchy universe I will be happy.

I'm guessing they keep her in the movies with CGI magic. Hopefully expanding on her character even more.

Wrong soldier boy.

"We on this site" who is that? You must be some hard core leader here.

Between this and the guy who was kidnapped and beaten on Facebook live for being white (just watched the video on the top of Reddit? Not the best news source- might be staged to incite more racial 'conversation').

David Icke has a hilarious review of this movie on YouTube.