
I love listening to music with my 5 year old daughter! It's a big part of bonding for sure.
She can sing Psycho Killer pretty much all the way through, as well as Bohemian Rhapsody. Her new discovery has been Hall and Oats 'Maneater'- she thinks it's about a warewolf.

I was just typing out how I was thinking this whole 'twitter beef' seems written in some way.
It doesn't seem authentic, the names are too generic, nobody's swearing.

Goodness gracious great balls of fire!

Nice click bait headline. Here I thought Clinton came out of hiding to be on tv. That would be news,.

The owners of this website wasted millions and millions of dollars giving to the Clinton Foundation. Google it if you don't believe me.

Check yo self before you wreck yo self.

The Hurt Locker?

I was huge into UFO books and tv shows growing up.
When Men In Black first came out I was disappointed that finally they made a movie about a topic I was interested in, but it was very cartoonish and silly. And here we go again…

I don't understand The New Day at all. What's the gimmick? Why do they have cereal and why booty-ohs? Is that funny? Same with the trombone..why? Are they openly gay? What's with the unicorn headband? Why did Jon Stewart put one on?

You don't fuck with the Jesus.

I would have watched a 3rd movie. Tyler Perry can turn into that weird fly scientist and make those weird robots with big mouths. Shredder is in another dimension with Krang and they can buddy up a bit…. Casey Jones is around now,.. it can start to get weird.

I'm guessing the buyer was Robin Quivers.

I'm happy to see Jimmy Carr pop up on American tv- I've been a huge fan for years now,. The big year end quiz is a holiday staple.

I saw another story somewhere else showing the jokes she rejected in order to do her own material -

I've always seen Ann Coulter as a proffenional wrestling 'Heel'— the obvious bad guy. Perfectly willing to be the one who enjoys getting boo's from the audience, while knowing it's all a show.

The porno girl?

I know, and I wasn't even enjoying ironically! I might be the only person here who doesn't hate Snyder?

When you're right, you're right… And you… You're always right!

Also Johnny needs to change his name to John Depp.