
And Kevin Mckidd as Old Griff/Jon Connington

Everyone seems to be missing a growing sideplot: Kent's growing infatuation with Sue (and Sue giving in to it?)

Yep, comedy gold right there

Some of my most surreal childhood memories involve Peanuts cartoon specials, especially the Call of the Wild one. The one where Charlie Brown turns invisible gave me nightmares

I believe that roughly three million of those viewers were pervy men who had a crush on Selena Gomez. Now that she's legal the allure must be gone.

Who the fuck is in charge of approving Fox's cartoon lineup? First "Bobs' Burgers", then Allen Gregory. Honestly both of these shows looked, ahem "weak" from the get go.

Mentioning Tek War? That's a paddlin'

This: Every time I see the commercial

Nope, the Murder House goes also goes by another name:Hotel California

I see one of two thing happening at this point for next season
1. All the current (living) characters die off and they move in a new family, as was mentioned in the article
2. Each season is self contained, with the same mythology but different locations

*Colonel Potter and Radar are standing on a small hill overlooking the 4077th*
*Potter lights a cigar*
Radar: "Colonel, can you get addicted to cigars?"
Potter: "Nonsense boy, I've been smoking two cigars a-day for twenty five years and I'm not addicted"

The main reason that I hate Gillian is that she is so damn manipulative. Yes, she's clearly damaged goods, what with being an former orphaned prostitute impregnated by some Gilded Age relic at age 13(?). But sometimes the fact that she's just using Jimmy as a way to finally live the good life (and act as a giant FU to