me and the chimp

I think in the second or third TV movie, after they're rescued again Mr. Howell turns the island into a resort and from there it essentially becomes The Love Boat.

Dewey's response to Daryl's appearance suggests he really wants to stay on the straight and narrow. It's just hilarious that his definition of straight and narrow is running a whore house. Also, it looks like we're going to have a running motif this season: Dewey's perpetually frustrated attempts at a threesome.

Yeah, when Boyd survived in the TV version of "Fire in the Hole," it's like a Twilight Zone-ish parallel reality was created, where Boyd gets a chance at redemption. Well, we see what he's made of that, so ultimately the reality God (aka Elmore Leonard) intended will reassert itself.

Heck yeah, the 80s was the last decade this sort of thing could happen at school without the now familiar ritual of suspension, lawsuit, public shaming, talk show appearance, tearful news conference, etc.

Patton Oswalt picks up the phone…

Yes, until the credits rolled, I actually thought it was Eastwood. And he was just "The Spirit of the West" (not old).

Thirty years in the cola mine and all I got to show for it is a bad case of Emma Lung.

See also: Jesco White

"At least he's not mutilating female vagina…." Is there another kind? Have I been missing something all these years?

They run these marathons in the daytime, late morning/early afternoon. They used to show Twilight Zone and The Night Stalker marathons, and maybe sometimes still do. I think Friday the 13th: the Series is on a weekly rotation too.

This series actually sounds a lot like the DC Comics adaptation from the early 70s. Beowulf meets Dracula, encounters UFOs and the like. The stories are ridiculous, but the art is pretty good.
Jerry Bingham did a pretty good straightforward adaptation for First Comics in the mid 80s. You might also check out Gareth

Nope, but there was an adaptation titled Beowulf and Grendel, starring a pre-300 Gerard Butler.

I might be mistaken, but wasn't Stoker's mother Catholic?
Also, I read an essay a few years back suggesting that Stoker was deeply influenced by the horrors of the Great Famine, and that Dracula was inspired by the predatory English and Anglo-Irish landlords whose actions greatly exacerbated the potato blight's effects.

But Odie's okay, right?

Syfy runs marathons of Darkside pretty regularly. In fact, it's on right now.

So the "Ballad of Jed Clampett" says "a poor mountaineer/ but he kept his family fed"? Goddamnit! For over 40 years I thought it said "barely kept his family fed." Well, this gives it a whole different meaning.

Yes, and I tool this moment to mean that the movie was acknowledging that she was clearly the more beautiful one. Maybe I'm giving the movie too much credit.

It wasn't a random observation about Stewart. Vonnegut appeared on the Daily Show not long before he died.

What's with the sly look Fat Albert's giving us in that shot at the top? Is he about to make a move for Isis's pert breasts?

Well, it gave him that deep suntan too.