me and the chimp

Read "Are You Ready for the Country"  (the author's name escapes me).  Nesmith's name is featured quite prominently.

Hmm, a young trapeze artist whose parents are killed while performing in the circus?  Someone call Bruce Wayne!

I knew Batman.  I worked with Batman.  Mr. Spielbergo, you're no Batman.

I have seen the Batman, and he is us.

I wish Titan or Fantagraphics would do a collection of Simon and Kirby Westerns.  The Kid Cowboys of Boys Ranch is especially worthwhile.  I think even readers who don't normally go for Westerns would be impressed by Kirby's layouts in this series.

I just tried.  Also shit myself.  It was no accident.

I wondered the same thing.  Maybe Sam Elliot is in this.  Maybe he plays Bell's mentor, who is revealed to have drowned years earlier but made a deal with the devil to stick around and give sage advice, and in the exciting climax he'll run across the surface of the pool surrounded by a corona of fiery chlorine.

Packs bags, hops next train to Gotham.

chapless asses

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus :  Not to mention the advice endorsed on "Good Morning America" a couple of days ago that one should play dead when attacked by a black bear. 

Come on, people, haven't you ever been to a Springsteen concert?   He's obviously saying "Bruce."

So is Nugent ever going to correct that misquote from the Rules of Writing in the last line of the article?

@avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus You should get ahold of "Mail Order Mysteries: Real Stuff From Old Comic Book Ads."

Chop Chop was still appearing in Blackhawk comics in the eighties.  While his facial features were no longer the standard Asian caricature, he was still wielding the meat cleaver.

I had the same feeling a few years ago about a Green Lantern/Supergirl team-up in The Brave and The Bold. They're flying through space, and grey-sideburned  Hal Jordan is grappling with his lustful thoughts about the very youthful looking Supergirl.  It was totally gratuitous, didn't add anything to the story or

Stranger still, Michael Douglas's father Kirk's real name is Buster Keaton.

I was born in 1964 and am embarrassed to admit I was still watching Saturday morning cartoons into 1981 or 82 (though I make no apologies for watching the classic Loony Tunes and Tom and Jerry cartoons that were regularly in syndication before Cartoon Network gobbled up the rights).  Anyway, the era ended for me with

I had a junior high p.e. teacher named Dick Likker.

I think Jubilee's costume was meant to be a parody/homage of Robin's

@avclub-9024f9f0a80d2d248c7c6efb2e715c37:disqus Understood, I simply meant the pre-DCAU version of the Question. But I'm glad you referenced the Watchmen critique from the Question's own book.  This adds yet another layer to the conspiracy.