Tiger of the Mirror

Every time I reread Calvin & Hobbes, I enjoy it even more than I did the last time I read it.

Bill Watterson…
…is the greatest comic strip artist of all time. Shulz and Larson have nothing on him.

What does abortion have to do with homosexuality? They're completely different things, so why are people even comparing them?

Also, Jin kills Lenny.

I hear it's going to be Die Antwoord.

It would have taken some real stones to nominate Avatar for a Razzie.

Well, it put to rest the rumors of her possibly having dude parts.

I think Lobsters1 gets too much flak for being a conservative and not enough flak for not having a decent avatar.


I humbly submit that their greatest cover is "Jesus Christ Superstar".

Big Fish: crap or not?

I Once Knew A Guy…
…named Oscar Fever. Last time I heard, he was studying ornithology at Auburn.

Another One For Avatar
Damn my friends for making me feel obligated to go see that bleeding anus of a movie.

Music Is Nice And All…
…but the last couple Gateways To Geekery have been about music. Could we please get a movie or book entry?

Tyler Perry.

You should try him out. It took me several tries to get into his stuff, but it's very rewarding. Plus, that's where I got my username.

First Tiptoes, Then This?
The A.V.Club should do a movie where little people play a major role for the rest of the regular film features. It's always good to have some sort of theme.

On The Subject Of Weird Diseases
Is Proportional Dwarfism even a real thing?

There was also a porn parody of that episode. It was called Eve Sex.

Turns out, the monsters in the forest are actually 33-year-old Russian women with proportional dwarfism that can emit an odorless, invisible gas that causes people to commit suicide.