
Most superhero movies aren't named after the villain either. It seems in line with the tone they're going for with the movie.

How dare they show the bad guy doing a bad thing?!

Poor McCarthy's horseā€¦

I don't watch the show, but based on the header image, I think Dean Pelton has gone too far this time.

So, A Slightly Newer Hope? You could do a lot worse. And if it serves as a launching point for two movies that actually do some cool originals things, then great!

I don't want to knock your religious beliefs, but what role did Jesus play in this?

I didn't understand why Jessica not letting go offline Kilgrave's arm was a big reveal. We'd already seen in the flashback when the bus hit him that she can ignore his commands.

See, I can't see her name without thinking she's Clair Underwood.

That male hostage totally blinked. He's impervious to Kilgrave, too!

So I guess in movie trailers, Emmy wins are less prestigious than having nothing listed before your name. Given the quality of recent TV, you'd think listing Emmy wins/noms would be just as much as a draw to a movie as Oscar wins/noms.

This makes sense. The name Joaquin isn't doing so well these days in the court of public approval.

Had Jaime Lannister done the same with his kids, it would have cleared up a lot of confusion.

Cathy, of comic strip fame? Is that you?

Haven't seen Arrested Development yet?

How does this "phrasing" joke work, exactly?

Cheer up: Fargo returns October 12!

Also a bad analogy because he mixes up the syntax. He should have said either

Uprooted for the NPs. My trips there were the best times I spent during the two years I lived in Austin.

So is "naked, feather-free" redundant, or did dinosaurs wear clothes? I'm not asking to be rude, just to learn.

The clouds? Not usually.