
Israel ≠ Jews.

Because I refuse to be the only person whose day was ruined by this: remember that scene earlier in the season where Richard took his mask off to feel the sun on his face? Now think about him sitting in the sand with his mask off and his face turned toward the sunrise. He wanted to feel the sun on his face one last

I think waaaay back toward the end of S2 Richard and Jimmy delivered a couple of Klansmen to Chalky, possibly as a peace offering.

They had a short-lived show on ABC called "Two of a Kind". In my defense, I only know this because there were ads for it during Sabrina. (We ironically like Sabrina now, right? Right??)

Whoa, whoa, hey, whoa! Let's not say things we can't take back.

I'll take this shirtless Skarsgard over yesterday's any day of the week.

A friend of mine from India told me that she once found a shop in her hometown selling "ahimsa leather," which was, indeed, made from animals who died of old age. It was also wicked expensive, because making a buck off well-meaning religious people is a proud capitalist tradition.

JMP: I wanted to like your post, but the knowledge that Andrea Mitchell is hittin' it with Ayn Rand's supremely unphotogenic sloppy seconds means that I will never like anything again.

Yeah, the Hoyt thing was so clearly out-of-character for the woman Lisa was in S3. I like to pretend that Hoyt was a deluded stalker and thus an unreliable narrator in his account of what went down between them — the whole storyline was a rare misfire in SFU's handling of an otherwise well-drawn character.

Aww, nobody endures comedic flu symptoms quite like Chris Traeger. I hoped he would never stop… pooping.

When I was eleven I had it bad for Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird.  I think maybe young readers/viewers were supposed to want him to be their dad(?), but highly principled, gracefully-aging bespectacled Gregory Peck in his shirtsleeves… did not have that effect on me.