Floyd Floyjoysion

I feel like too much time has past. We should treasure what they gave us and leave it at that. Unless the do a reunion like the Curb/Seinfeld situation. That was great and completely different and unusual.

I heard that show and was bummed that the puppy network didn't work out. I would have watched it.

I think she should have gotten the Emmy for GG instead of Lang.

Will Orblando Gloom ever be called Orlando Bloom again? No. No way.

oh, of course!

Bring Alan back!
Who is Anton?

Ah yes, what a brilliant quote.

Peggy said that Pete shouldn't barge into her office and 'infect her with his nervousness.' I loved her use of the word infect.

He sounds like guidance counselor Jeff Rosso from Freaks and Geeks.

Hilarious death metal video
ZMF in training:

That was just Kanye's way of being 'giving'. He's gonna LET her finish. He's great.

Holy shit, this is going to be awesome. The 13th will be the event of the year.

Jax, the less-gay Brad Pitt
I wish Tara was a tougher character. She's too meek and it doesn't fit…. especially if she's going to be jeopardizing her career in every episode.

I just adore dissing Goop!

Zooey Deschanel

Tig was certainly up to something but was there time for sexual assault?

Rated 'G' for Gang rape
The season is set-up for some serious violence. And I really appreciate the encore presentation.

He dated Michelle Pfeiffer. How exactly did he do that?

Season one of SoA was really good. I look forward to season two.

Wow. Well done, Jorge. I think you are just so talented. You keep rockin'!