Floyd Floyjoysion

You know what else I got from Nathan's book? A ridiculous need to see the tapes of Movie Club. His experiences doing Movie Club have me laughing on the train every morning. I wish there were at least clips of that show on youtube. I want to see the clown make-up and the avant-garde editing, dammit!

I was thinking that this was the Craigslist killer or something. Can we rant about those stupid headlines for a minute?

The moon bits are my favorite.

I will attend the fuck out of that event.

Sure the winters are hard in Chicago but this particular summer has been just glorious—not like the summer of '95 when there were about 520 deaths due to the heat. My point is…um something about Chicago weather…..

I'll be there but I'm not falling for this physical description request. We'll judge each other by our appearances tomorrow.

Balls, Are you calling Chicago the sticks? Is that because there are cool events happening here this week? How does that make sense?

Season 4 is released! I can't believe there are 4 seasons of this shit.

I thought it was respectful to the source material and it tried to fill in back-story. The performances were really good. It was a great tribute to the original Grey Gardens but I don't know how it stands alone as a film.


Armando Iannucci
is always behind my favorite shows.

There is much less kung in fung fu and I think you need to study design to do it well.

Fats, I'm so sorry— I vacuumed the couch today.

Actually, Tracy Morgan could star in this remake.

My dogs
suck at fung fu and fighting crime. They do like to watch cartoons and take naps though.

Yeah Nathan!
Great reading last night! I'm so impressed with your book I'm so glad I was a part of your first reading/signing event. Awesome.

I now fully understand depression since the bookstore I just went to didn't have the book.
(just kidding about the depression part…)

As an outside observer, I am very sad for that girl.

I'm torn: Do I go buy this book today or do I wait until Thursday and go see Nathan in person at Barnes and Noble? Will I really get my copy signed if I show up on Thursday or will the lines be too long? I'm predicting a mob scene and I'm fucking concerned about all types of motherfuckery.
